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Practice Day 17- The Sacred is Found in the Everyday.


Theme/Mantra: “The Sacred is found in the everyday”


(just the words of the song today- over and over… read, listen to- read, listen to)

Meditation-Physical Movement- (combined today)

At some point today, as you are going about your daily business of everyday life- maybe multiple times today- Pay attention to what you are doing. Pay attention to the meditative qualities and sacredness of

Washing the dishes

Folding the laundry

Pouring the coffee

Getting dressed

Feeding the cats or dogs

Brushing your teeth

Taking a bath.

Walking the dog around the block

Taking the steps to your office

Planting seeds in your garden.


Kathleen Norris wrote a tiny little book called, Quotidian Mysteries. It is beautiful how she calls us to pay attention to the daily life chores that seem to be mundane and frustrating. But she reminds us that the sacred can be found in any action. And that sometimes in the “quotidian” is where we find the best potential for meditation and reflection.

Carrie is an incredible songwriter- the words of this song give us vignettes to envision of real people in a community- Our hearts feel their pain with the pictures she paints.

And, we feel in unison with them. We want to be in a community like this-

Where sharing bread and toast seems like the sacred act (for some) of communion (or eucharist).

I feel the connectedness of all of humanity when I listen to this song.

Through the intentional and compassionate actions of everyday life.

Song: Betty’s Diner by Carrie Newcomer

Miranda works the late night counter

In a joint called Betty's Diner

Chrome and checkered tablecloths

One steamy windowpane

She got the job that shaky fall

And after hours she'll write till dawn

With a nod and smile she serves them all

Here we are all in one place

The wants and wounds of the human race

Despair and hope sit face to face

When you come in from the cold

Let her fill your cup with something kind

Eggs and toast like bread and wine

She's heard it all so she don't mind

Arthur lets his earl gray steep

Since April it's been hard to sleep

You know they tried most everything

Yet it took her in the end

Kevin tests new saxophones

But swears he's leaving quality control

For the Chicago scene, or New Orleans

Where they still play righteous horns

Here we are all in one place

The wants and wounds of the human race

Despair and hope sit face to face

When you come in from the cold

Let her fill your cup with something kind

Eggs and toast like bread and wine

She's heard it all so she don't mind

Jack studies here after work

To get past high school he's the first

And his large hands seem just as comfortable

With a hammer or a pen

Emma leaned and kissed his cheek

And when she did his knees got weak

Miranda smiles at 'em and winks

Here we are all in one place

The wants and wounds of the human race

Despair and hope sit face to face

When you come in from the cold

Let her fill your cup with something kind

Eggs and toast like bread and wine

She's heard it all so she don't mind

You never know who'll be your witness

You never know who grants forgiveness

Look to heaven or sit with us

Deidre bites her lip and frowns

She works the stop and go downtown

She's pretty good at the crossword page

And she paints her eyes blue black

Tristan comes along sometimes

Small for his age and he's barely five

But she loves him like a mama lion

Veda used to drink a lot

Almost lost it all before she stopped

Comes in at night with her friend Mike

Who runs the crisis line

Michael toured Saigon and back

Hair the color of smoke and ash

Their heads are bowed and hands are clasped

One more storm has passed

Here we are all in one place

The wants and wounds of the human race

Despair and hope sit face to face

When you come in from the cold

Let her fill your cup with something kind

Eggs and toast like bread and wine

She's heard it all so she don't mind

Until Tomorrow- Peace


1 Comment

Sabine C
Sabine C
Apr 20, 2022

Reading the lyrics of the song I feel the sense of community that is contained in humanity. This is a good, important feeling.


©2021 by Malinda Harnish Clatterbuck with

Photographs by David Parry, Xiao Ma, Malinda H.C.

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