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Practice Day Five: I Celebrate the Beauty in Me


Theme/Mantra: “Today I refuse to condemn myself- I will celebrate the beauty in me.”


Prayer by Macrina Wiederkehr

Oh God, help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is.


Find a comfortable position standing or sitting, and pose this prayer to your God or the universe, or to your own mind and heart- “help me to believe the truth about myself, no matter how beautiful it is.” And listen. See and feel that beauty. Embrace it. When thoughts of “but I also…” in negativity, force your mind back to the beauty. We spend a lot of time in the negative- for today, let’s just sit with the beauty.

Physical Movement:

Child Pose-

Kneel, resting your thighs on your calves, and with your legs slightly apart underneath your body.

Bend from the hips, forward and down, folding your body over onto your knees.

You can either place your arms beside your legs, (behind you) with your palms up,

Or you can reach forward and out, extending your arms on the floor beyond your head, palms down.

Place your forehead on the floor in front of your knees (or turn your head to the side if that is more comfortable).

Remain in this position and breathe deeply until you are ready to

Raise your upper body and return to the seated position.


Too often we remember and focus on the negative about ourselves. As Tori states in this song- we crucify ourselves. She has such a unique sound and way with words- that as you listen to the song, you can feel the frustration in the self sacrificing. That inner voice that criticizes all that is wrong with us can become our own voice, and we allow it to damage our confidence as well as our reality. My hope for you (and for myself) is to see the beauty as well. We needn’t ignore the growing edges; however, we needn’t allow those edges to unfairly dominate our sense of who we are. I encourage you to take some time today to reflect on a balance in you- even the utter beauty. How can you break free from those chains that bind your heart? Your mind? Be free in and embrace your beauty!

Song: Crucify by Tori Amos


Every finger in the room

Is pointing at me

I wanna spit in their faces

Then I get afraid of what that could bring

I got a bowling ball in my stomach

I got a desert in my mouth

Figures that my courage would choose to sell out now

I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets

Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets

I've been raising up my hands

Drive another nail in

Just what God needs

One more victim

Why do we

Crucify ourselves

Every day

I crucify myself

Nothing I do is good enough for you

Crucify myself

Every day

I crucify myself

My heart is sick of being, I said, my heart is sick of being in chains, oh, oh, chains

Got a kick for a dog

Beggin' for love

I gotta have my suffering

So that I can have my cross

I know a cat named Easter

He says, "Will you ever learn?

You're just an empty cage, girl,

If you kill the bird."

I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets

Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets

I've been raising up my hands

Drive another nail in

Got enough guilt to start my own religion

Why do we

Crucify ourselves

Every day

I crucify myself

Nothing I do is good enough for you

Crucify myself

Every day

I crucify myself

My heart is sick of being, I said, my heart is sick of being in chains, oh, oh, chains

Please believe

Save me

I cry

I've been looking for a savior in these dirty streets

Looking for a savior beneath these dirty sheets

I've been raising up my hands

Drive another nail in

Where are those angels when you need them?

Why do we crucify ourselves

Every day

I crucify myself

Nothing I do is good enough for you

Crucify myself

Every day

I crucify myself

My heart is sick of being, I said, my heart is sick of being in chains, oh, oh, chains


Why do we


Crucify myself

Never going back again to crucify myself again

You know never going back again to crucify myself everyday

Until Tomorrow- Peace




©2021 by Malinda Harnish Clatterbuck with

Photographs by David Parry, Xiao Ma, Malinda H.C.

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